Luís Eduardo Saraiva

Docente universitário (Instituto Universitário Militar)

Docente e investigador no Instituto Universitário Militar. Coronel do Exército Português na situação de reforma. Doutor e mestre em Relações Internacionais, pela Universidade Lusíada, e licenciado em Ciências Militares, pela Academia Militar. Auditor do Curso de Defesa Nacional e diplomado pelo Marshal Center em Executive Program in Advanced Security Studies, na Alemanha.


He is a professor and researcher at the Instituto Universitário Militar. He is a retired Colonel of the Portuguese Army. He holds a Doctor and Master's degree in International Relations from Universidade Lusíada, and a degree in Military Sciences from the Military Academy. He is an auditor of the National Defense Course and a graduate of the Marshal Center in Executive Program in Advanced Security Studies, Germany. Main academic functions: teaching at Universidade Lusíada, in the last ten years, in the degree and master's in International Relations, in the degree in Security Policies and in the Master in Security and Justice. Courses: Euro-Atlantic Space, Introduction to International Relations, Security and Defense Policy, Sociology of International Relations, Theory of International Relations, Strategic Information, Technological Security Systems and Political Communication, among others. He was also coordinator of the degree and master's in the area of ​​Security. At the Instituto Universitário Militar, he is responsible for the Curricular Units of Strategic Studies (Course of Joint Staff – Masters in Military Sciences) and the Seminar on Crises and Armed Conflicts (PhD in Military Sciences). He served in NATO (in 1989-1992 and 1997-2002), was a United Nations Military Observer during the Yugoslav War (1993-1994) and was Military Counsellour at the Representation of Portugal to the European Union, in Brussels (2005-2008). He is the author of books and articles on International Relations, International Security and Strategy, as well as editor/coordinator and co-author of several publications.



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