Submission Rules

May 27th to October 21st

Date for the submission of communications

December 11th

Notification of acceptance of submitted communications


- Each researcher/scholar can present one individual paper and one paper as co-author.
- The communication abstract must have a maximum of 220 words.
- When submitting the paper it should be included a brief biographical note with a maximum of 150 words.
- Languages: Portuguese or English.
- Formatting is done automatically by the submission platform.
- The decision on the type of presentation of communications results from the evaluation done by the review team. After the review, you will receive an email informing you whether or not the work has been accepted for presentation. The type of presentation should be consulted in your personal area of ​​the website.

See here how to submit your abstract


- Each researcher/scholar can present one individual paper and one paper as co-author.
- Communications submitted within the scope of the panel must follow the rules above.
- Panel proposals should normally consist of four or five communications. These must include the elements described above relating to individual communications. Panel proposals with more than five works will not be considered. Panel proposals with three works can also be submitted, in which case APCP reserves the right to add works to the panel.

Thematic Sections

Section 1 | Portuguese Society and Politics

Submit Communication/Panel

Section 2 | European Studies

Submit Communication/Panel

Section 3 | Comparative Politics

Submit Communication/Panel

Section 4 | Governance and Local Politics

Submit Communication/Panel

Section 5 | Administration and Public Politics

Submit Communication/Panel

Section 6 | International Relations

Submit Communication/Panel

Section 7 | Political Theory

Submit Communication/Panel

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