Assistant Professor. University of Beira Interior. Researcher at Praxis - Centre of Philosophy, Politics and Culture.
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Assistant Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and Researcher at the Praxis Center – Philosophy, Politics and Culture. Graduate, Master and Doctor in Political Science (ULisboa), with a postgraduate degree in Equality and Inclusion Policies (UAB). His research focuses on the area of political systems, political participation, quality of democracy and on the construction of the European project. He is currently the researcher in charge of the project “The composition of liberal governments in the context of the European Union” and researcher in the Cost Action “OPINION”. In terms of publications, he registers the publication of 2 books, the edition of an international book, 6 book chapters and 10 scientific articles with scientific refereeing. Associate of several scientific organizations (APCP, MPSA and SOPCOM), being a member of the Board of Directors (2022-2024) of REDINTERCOL (Colombian Network of International Relations).